Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Spinning My Wheels

It never ceases to amaze me how complex the human mind, or at least mine (permitting a bit of egotism here) is and how small things stir amazing thoughts. Over the last weekend I saw an old friend of mine who is currently enlisted in the Marine Corps. It was great to see him again and talk about everything that's been happening in our lives respectively. He's out there, living his life by no one's rules but his own, doing exactly what he wants with his life. I talked to another old friend earlier last week who is living her dream and going out on a mission her church. I know how much this means to her, and I couldn't be more excited for her. As I talked to both of them, I couldn't help but think about everything that has changed in their lives and everything that hasn't changed in mine. I still live at home, am still in school and nowhere near starting the career I want, am at a job I can't stand half the time, and am a slave to the Almighty Dollar and my parents' whim. I am almost 100% positive that neither of them will read this, but they have no idea how jealous of them I am. I remember a time back before I graduated high school, and how sure of myself I was. I knew what I wanted, what I was going to do, and how I was going to get there. What happened to all of those plans? I sit here typing this and can't remember when or where I lost sight of them. I've never been more confused or lost... I just pray that God sends someone or something into my life to get me where He wants me to be and where I want to be.

Good night, Reader, and remember to make your life yours and nobody elses.

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