Wednesday, February 3, 2010


It's been a while since I wrote in this. Figured what the hell, why not? I've got some time to kill and am all caught up on homework (for the second consecutive week, must be a record!). A lot has happened over the last month and a half or so. I've re-established a lot of old relationships, and can't remember ever being happier than I am right now. Life is truly perfect, or about as perfect as it can be. The one smudge... companionship. I miss having people in my life that knew me totally inside and out. But, hey, the Lord provides all things in time, so I'm definitely not worried about it. Geez, even as I write that last sentence, I realize how differently I think about things, how accepting and patient I've become. A year ago, if I wanted something, I couldn't wait for it. Now, I'm able to simply sit and wait patiently for the Lord to give me what I need and then the things that I want. I'm so thankful that I've re-established my relationship with the church, and more importantly, God himself. To that end, I owe a big thanks to Tony Covert. If it hadn't been for you, buddy, I never would've gone to Praxxis and had all this great stuff start happening. I owe you, man. Well, that's enough for tonight. Can't wait for this weekend, hope it's as kickass as the last one. Oh, and 19 days til I turn 21! Watch out Mill Avenue!

1 comment:

  1. Are you involved in any on-campus Christian fellowship groups? I was in Chi Alpha and Alexis goes to CRU... you should talk to her... companionship definitely happens in that atmosphere!
