Monday, April 5, 2010

Ready for a Change

So a while ago, I made a decision to make a lot of drastic changes in my life. I committed myself to improvement: dieting, eating right, exercising, repressing my temper, changing my speech patterns a.k.a. not swearing so much, and restoring my faith in religion and people (at least my faith in religion is still there, people not so much). Now, I find myself slowly but surely sliding back into old habits. Well, I have an incredible chance to accomplish everything I've always dreamed about, and I only have 10-14 months to prepare. So, as of today, April 5, 2010, I am renewing my vow of self-improvement, as everything I devoted myself to will all but ensure my success in life. Please, keep me in your prayers as I will keep you in mine, and thanks to all of my friends for one hell of a final weekend of being a child. Now, it's time to be a man... hope I don't screw it up.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


It's been a while since I wrote in this. Figured what the hell, why not? I've got some time to kill and am all caught up on homework (for the second consecutive week, must be a record!). A lot has happened over the last month and a half or so. I've re-established a lot of old relationships, and can't remember ever being happier than I am right now. Life is truly perfect, or about as perfect as it can be. The one smudge... companionship. I miss having people in my life that knew me totally inside and out. But, hey, the Lord provides all things in time, so I'm definitely not worried about it. Geez, even as I write that last sentence, I realize how differently I think about things, how accepting and patient I've become. A year ago, if I wanted something, I couldn't wait for it. Now, I'm able to simply sit and wait patiently for the Lord to give me what I need and then the things that I want. I'm so thankful that I've re-established my relationship with the church, and more importantly, God himself. To that end, I owe a big thanks to Tony Covert. If it hadn't been for you, buddy, I never would've gone to Praxxis and had all this great stuff start happening. I owe you, man. Well, that's enough for tonight. Can't wait for this weekend, hope it's as kickass as the last one. Oh, and 19 days til I turn 21! Watch out Mill Avenue!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I Can't Believe It

When I finished my last paper on Friday night after work, something I should have realized but that shouldn't have surprised me so much hit me: I only have three semesters left at ASU before I graduate. It's completely nuts; I still feel like I just started my freshman year. Thinking back on the last couple years, I can't believe how much my life has changed. For a time, I quit working out and gained a lot of weight. Recently, I changed this and through dieting and exercise lost 30 pounds in four weeks. I used to hang out with all my old high school friends: Aubs, Amy, Austin, Ryan, Maya, Nicole, Londynn, Boaty, Anissa, Daniel, Jordan, and too many other great people to mention. Now, I only see a few of my close friends; I am truly thankful to have kept in contact with them, but I miss seeing everybody else and the adventures we had. I was a barely 18 year old kid, just starting out in the world with no clear-cut plan, hoping to just luck out through life by either finding a diamond mine or discovering the largest oil line ever in North America (neither has happened, unfortunately). Now, I'm talking to people about my plans for two years, five years, ten years from now... it's crazy!

Don't let this post confuse you. For the first time in a very long time, I'm truly happy and, incredibly, somewhat content with how I'm living my life and where it's going. I have amazing friends that I've known forever, and recently have been talking to friends I've made in the last few years but lost contact with. Things honestly couldn't be better for me, and I'm so incredibly thankful for it. As I sit here writing this, the only thing I could think about is a song that Keith Urban sings... "Who Wouldn't Wanna Be Me?"

Monday, November 30, 2009

It Never Ceases to Amaze Me

The heart: I've dealt with it often in my life. I've studied it, taken many apart in anatomy classes, memorized every facet of it. That being said, I don't understand how even now, with all of the relationship experiences I've had, how mine can still take me by surprise. With everything that happened tonight, all I want is to be her guy and make her happy more than anything. God, how I miss the days when girls had cooties and catching them was my biggest worry. I hope I didn't screw things up, but with my luck, I just blew my one shot. Wish me luck...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

It's Been Almost a Month

Wow, I can't believe it's almost been a month since I wrote on this. A lot has happened. School is winding down, I have this whole next week off work, and I've never felt better about where my life is going. Started a diet about a little over a week ago and have already lost 12 pounds. I'm heading to the gym tomorrow and, for the first time in a long while, I'm actually excited. My brother JR is coming home for Thanksgiving and I can't wait to see that SOB it's been forever. Had a fantastic weekend partying with some old friends. This could be the best I've felt since I left high school. Life couldn't be sweeter. These last few months have taught me one thing: keep the faith. Life hadn't exactly been enjoyable, but now things couldn't be better. I got my life back on track and feel great where with its going. Oh, and next week, I'm heading back to church again, too. Can't wait for that. Oh, well, it's getting late, so I'm heading to the living room to relax and probably fall asleep on the couch.

Thanks for reading, and remember, rainy days make you appreciate sunny days that much more.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This Should Really Help

Dang, I've been feeling really bottled up lately, so I thought I'd finally write in this thing again. Lately, I've just been feeling so lost in life. School is pointless, I feel like I'm spinning my wheels, and I don't think I'm anywhere near the person I need or want to be. I feel more like a kid than ever before, yet I'm definitely not getting any younger. I need to figure out what I want to do, and soon. I don't want to waste any more time than I already have. So, here are a list of things for me to do this week:

1. Devise my new exercise program and actually STICK to it.
2. Get my homework done so I can quit worrying about it.
3. Put my priorities in order.
4. Start budgeting my money and actually save something.
5. Quit putting off adulthood.

Hopefully, this plan will get me back on track.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Art of Procrastination

This is an art that I have mastered. Unfortunately, it's caused me nothing but trouble. My semester is officially over, and with this blog as my witness, I will not procrastinate any of my assignments anymore!